What Are The Common Symptoms Of Breast Cancer?

January 24, 2024 by Medical Content Team

Breast cancer occurs in every country of the world in women at any age after puberty but with increasing rates in later life. In 2020, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 6,85,000 deaths globally. As of the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past five years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer. 

Breast cancer often shows subtle signs that may go unnoticed. Understanding its symptoms is vital for early detection and treatment. The most common indications of breast cancer involve noticeable changes in the breast or surrounding areas. 

While these symptoms might not always indicate cancer, being aware and promptly consulting a healthcare professional if any unusual changes occur is crucial. Early detection significantly improves the chances of successful treatment, making awareness of these symptoms vital for everyone. 

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a disease in which abnormal breast cells grow out of control and form tumors. If left unchecked, the tumors can spread throughout the body and become fatal.

Breast cancer cells begin inside the milk ducts or the breast’s milk-producing lobules. The earliest form (in situ) is not life-threatening. Cancer cells can spread into nearby breast tissue (invasion). This creates tumors that cause lumps or thickening. Invasive cancers can spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs (metastasize). Metastasis can be fatal.

Dr. Sumant, a breast cancer specialist, has performed several successful treatments and procedures. He specializes in different breast cancer surgeries, such as lumpectomies and mastectomies, and has vast expertise and experience. His kind demeanor and dedication to patient care have earned him a reputation as a top practitioner in breast cancer treatment.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms?

Breast cancer can have combinations of symptoms, especially when it is more advanced. Most people will not experience any symptoms when the cancer is still early.

Symptoms of breast cancer can include:

  • A breast lump or thickening, often without pain: One of the most prevalent signs of breast cancer is the presence of a lump or thickened area in the breast tissue. These can often be painless and may be felt during self-examinations or by a healthcare provider during routine check-ups. Any new lump or thickening warrants further investigation.
  • Change in size, shape, or appearance of the breast: Breast cancer might cause visible changes in the breast, including alterations in size, shape, or appearance. Any unexplained changes, asymmetry between the breasts, or distortions should be evaluated by a medical professional.
  • Dimpling, redness, pitting, or other changes in the skin: Dimpling, redness, puckering, or other alterations in the skin texture on the breast surface could indicate breast cancer. These changes may resemble an orange peel’s texture and signify an underlying issue requiring medical attention.
  • Change in nipple appearance or the skin surrounding the nipple (areola): Any changes in the nipple’s appearance, such as inversion, retraction, or unusual discharge (especially bloody or clear fluid), warrant investigation. Changes in the skin surrounding the nipple (areola), like scaling, redness, or flaking, may also indicate underlying concerns.
  • Abnormal or bloody fluid from the nipple: An abnormal discharge from the nipple, particularly one that is bloody or appears spontaneously without squeezing, might signal breast issues that necessitate medical assessment.

People with an abnormal breast lump should seek medical care, even if the lump does not hurt.

Most breast lumps are not cancer. Cancerous breast lumps are more likely to be successfully treated when small and have not spread to nearby lymph nodes.

Breast cancers may spread to other body areas and trigger different symptoms. Often, the most common first detectable site of spread is to the lymph nodes under the arm, although it is possible to have cancer-bearing lymph nodes that cannot be felt.

Over time, cancerous cells may spread to other organs, including the lungs, liver, brain, and bones. Once they reach these sites, new cancer-related symptoms such as bone pain or headaches may appear.

As per Dr. Sumant, “Regular breast self-exams and screenings are vital. Leading a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a balanced diet, and limiting alcohol consumption significantly lower the risk. Additionally, educating oneself about potential signs and promptly seeking medical advice upon noticing any changes in breast appearance or texture are crucial preventive measures to detect breast cancer early.”

“After my breast cancer diagnosis, Dr. Sumant’s compassionate care made a world of difference—his expertise in treatments provided hope during a tough time. Thank you, Dr. Sumant!” – Sneha Rao

“Dr. Sumant’s guidance and reassurance were invaluable throughout my breast cancer journey. His dedication and support aided in my recovery. Highly recommended!” – Ravi Khanna

What Is The Cost Of Breast Cancer Treatment In India?

Breast cancer surgery costs in India typically range between INR 1,50,000 and INR 3,00,000, translating from approximately $2,000 to $4,000 in USD. However, these figures vary based on several factors, including the type of surgery, hospital facilities, surgeon’s expertise, and post-operative care required. 

Patients might encounter additional expenses, such as diagnostic tests, medications, or extended hospital stays, impacting the final cost of treatment. Consulting with healthcare providers aids in understanding the comprehensive expenses involved.


Understanding the common symptoms of breast cancer is crucial for early detection and successful treatment. Changes in breast appearance, lumps, skin alterations, and nipple discharge are signs to watch for, although not all indicate cancer. Regular self-checks and prompt medical attention for any unusual changes are essential. 

Risk factors like age, gender, family history, and lifestyle habits can increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer. Early detection through awareness and screenings significantly improves outcomes, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant and seeking medical advice when necessary.


  1. Can Breast Cancer Be Prevented?

While some risk factors are uncontrollable, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, limiting alcohol, regular exercise, and avoiding tobacco can lower the risk.

  1. Are Mammograms the Only Way to Detect Breast Cancer?

Mammograms are effective, but self-exams and clinical breast exams are also crucial for detecting changes in the breast.

  1. Does Breast Cancer Always Cause Pain?

No, breast cancer might not always cause pain. Often, it’s detected through changes in breast size, shape, or unusual nipple discharge.

  1. Is Breast Cancer Hereditary?

While a family history of breast cancer increases the risk, most cases occur in individuals without a family history of the disease.

  1. Do All Breast Lumps Indicate Cancer?

No, most breast lumps are benign. However, it’s essential to consult a doctor for any new or unusual changes in breast tissue.

Read More : Can Breast Cancer Be Cured?

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